Sunday, January 10, 2016

How To Get Rid Of Razor Bumps In The Bikini Area

I hate shaving. Like, really hate it. I hate that I have to spend my time shaving my legs, pits and vagina while I could be doing other things that probably wouldn’t make me bleed. I hate that my new apartment has a tiny shower stall and no bathtub, making the shaving process that much more uncomfortable. I hate that my skin is sensitive, and one bad swipe could cause razor burn for days. I know what you’re thinking: Why doesn’t she just go get waxed? Because of the sensitive skin, that’s why. My first experience at a waxing salon was at age 17, as I sat in the waiting room, I knew to expect pain, but I was not prepared for what was to come. It was complete and utter agony. I think I cried. “Look. See? Much better,” the sadist said, as she put up a mirror to my sore nether-regions. All I saw were red dots where the hair follicles should have been. My second waxing defeat was when I was 21. And after one look, my boyfriend said, “Your vagina looks angry.” Ever since, I’ve stuck to shaving, even though it’s not much more enjoyable. As you probably know, razor burn is no joke. I tried everything to get the bumps and irritation to stop, including really expensive skin treatments that did absolutely nothing.

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I'm Not Over Selling This When I Say This Mask EXTRACTS Your Pimples.

I received a sample of "Glamglow Super Clearing Treatment Mud Mask" with a Sephora order a few months back and I quickly forgot about it as it got lost in my sample abyss. While going through said abyss I pulled this one out to try. I didn't know anything about this product however the description of what this mask does seemed exactly what I've been looking for since I've been having major breakouts and blackheads. The consistency and color was surprising. It's much more of a liquidy consistency than other clay masks I have. It smells very herbal and licorice-like. Not my favorite scent, but masks aren't really there to smell amazing. It goes on in a very thin layer. I struggled a bit getting it evenly distributed before it started drying, which is does fairly quickly.

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Tips To Get Rid Of Pimples Over Night

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Pimples may spoil your days and leave behind aesthetically unpleasant scars. It is natural that you  will want  to get rid of them as early as possible especially if you are going to attend  a date or a party where you might meet a lot of people.Some of the tips that are listed out here may help in removing pimples for you overnight. These simple remedies can be followed at your home.

The Better Skin Diet: 4 Recipes To Make You Glow From Within

The “you are what you eat” adage wholly applies to your skin. “If you want clear skin and a healthy glow, concentrate on what you’re putting into your body,” international nutrition and wellness expert Jessica Sepel says. “Think about it—skin is your body’s largest organ, and what you put into it is going to have an impact.” You probably already know what to avoid in order to achieve a glowing complexion—sugar, alcohol, and processed foods—but there’s a slew of good skin foods that are worth incorporating into your diet. The issue, then, is how do you turn the long list of fruits, veggies, fats, proteins, and more into a meal you actually want to eat? With a background in health science and nutritional medicine, and a book dedicated to the topic of healthy eating and its positive effects, Sepel knows how it’s done. Keep reading this article by clicking on the source button:   Source 

How To Wash Your Face The Right Way

We all know we should be washing our faces well and often, but have you been doing it wrong this whole time? We asked the experts exactly how to wash our face — now, pay attention!

Use lukewarm water: “Using water that is too hot or too cold can break capillaries on your face, leaving your face red and the capillaries permanently broken over time,” says Joseph Rucker, plastic surgeon and founder of Enza Essentials Skincare.

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The Best Essential Oils For Your Skin Type

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Essential oils can make incredible changes to your skin. Their potent regenerative properties help smooth fine lines and wrinkles, normalize oil, balance PH, and renew dull complexions depending on which ones you use.

13 Terrible Habits That Ruin Your Skin

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You always have the best of intentions with your skin care routine. Each day, you drink water, you cleanse, and you prime. You are doing a lot of things very, very right. Unfortunately, even with a dozen great habits – chances are there’s some really terrible ones sticking around for the ride.

The Secret To Model Skin

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5 Simple DIY Honey Face Masks

Taking care of our skin in every phase of life should be important. When we are young we need to protect it, as we become teens we have to take care of it, then as adults we try to prolong that youthful look! One way to take care of your skin is to use face masks. They not only sooth your skin but also rejuvenate it.

I love going to a nice spa for a facial, but to save a little time and money, we can enjoy a simple DIY Face Mask at home anytime. I have found that in every favorite face mask of mine, there is one common ingredient… HONEY! Keep reading this article by clicking on the source button :  Source

Friday, November 27, 2015

Fitness In You 30's and 40's!

It’s no joke that as we age our metabolism changes as does the shape of our figures. The things we did in our teens and twenties no longer serve us on our fitness and health journeys. But what really has to change as we age?

The Roaring 30’s

Unless you’re some kind of professional or super-elite athlete, your 30’s aren’t even close to old age. You probably still have quite a bit of energy even though career and children may be taking up a lot of your time. At this point, your exercise routines can stay constant as long as you remember that portions might need to be tapered at the table.  The days of eating the entire pint of ice cream or the whole pizza are coming to a close in this decade. Those calories won’t be burned off while you sleep anymore! If the entire pint is calling your name, then ramp up the workout schedule to account for it. Your 30’s are also time to ad resistance or weight training as our bone density starts to slip. As long as you don’t have any other physical issues, once you’re in your 30’s, you can continue with your fitness regimen from your 20’s, just try to include lower-impact activities that save your joints while still building muscle and bone. Your 30’s mark the turning point and it’s time to be aware. Keep reading this article by clicking on the source button :   Source